I was talking to Meesh about it, and all I could think of was the old saying, but for the grace of G-d go I.
The stars must have been aligned that day in 1994 when I hit rock bottom and asked for help. If my parents hadn't been home to answer my desperate call, I am sure that I would not be here today.
Of all the people I ran with back in the day, I think I'm the only one that really made it out. The three roommates that I lived with from '85-'86 are all dead. One of them, my boyfriend and longest relationship (9 years,) Danny Santa Cruz, was murdered.
Unfortunately, I didn't make it out with my health, but I did make it out and that's all that matters.
But for the grace of G-d go I. Indeed.

Me & Danny 1986
Sorry for your loss, Lizzy. You should give yourself a pat on the back for taking your life back.
I'm so glad you're here, Lizzy, and that you have been back in my life for so long again. Lizzy and I first met in junior high, where a mutual friend introduced us because we were both big KISS fans. We were roommates, even, after high school until we split apart. We reunited in 1995-ish and have been even closer since.
Love you, my friend.
You mean the world to me, Meesh.
Thanks, J.
Lizzy, my condolences to you for the loss of a friend! As J. and Moto said, it is good that you have been in charge of your life for a while now! Keep up your good work!
Thanks, Snave.
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