After a long, cold winter, I'm always happy when it's time to spring ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time.
I don't care that we get one less hour of sleep. I'm just glad that we've turned the corner on Winter, and Summer is around the corner.
ahhh, summertime.
ahhh, summertime.
I agree. This is probably my favorite day of the year and it got moved up on the calendar!
My mind and body sure do respond to that extra hour of daylight late in the afternoon and early in the evening. Let the longer days begin! It's one of my favorite days too!
Its definately a sign of warmer times. Winter is almost over!!!
Watch that snow melt.
One of the few positive things the GOP led Congress did last term! I love the extra hour of light. I have daffodils and crocus blooming in my yard, life is good.
I think my favorite day of the year is the longest day, June 21, J. Although it's bitter sweet because it also kicks off the shortening days.
My mind & body responds to it, too, Snave. It's a wonderful boost.
The snow is melting very fast here, wf. Yay!
elvez, Wow, you have flowers already?! We've got a while to go here for that.
We are starting to get some crocus flowers, and the tulips are coming up. About ten days ago we had a few inches of snow, but now that's all gone and it was 64 degrees here today. Spring is almost here!!
Tulips are my favorite flower. I tried to plant some a few years ago, but the critters dug them up.
Lizzy thats hilarious, where the critters that dug your bulbs the same ones that you feed and take care of? My dog did a number on some tulips and most strangely some fennel bulbs I planted last year, who knew dogs ate fennel?
Nope, not my critters, Elvez. I think it was chipmunks and moles, but I didn't catch them red-handed, so I can't prosecute, but I do have a fairly good circumstantial case against the woodland critters.
I'd rather we worked from a 24 hour clock based on GMT and made it universal global and unchanging, making it 9am everywhere on earth at the same moment and let the seasons and the rising and setting of the sun fall where they may.
Yes it would be datk in Seattle at 0700 am when it's light in London but folks in Seattle wouldn't start the day until 1500.
I wont hold my breath waiting for that system though, I'll just put up with move the clock this way and that to no positive effect.
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