Wellstone, my African Grey parrot, was picked up by his new owner today. It probably hasn't hit me yet, but I'm not sad. Or, it's because I know I did the right thing.
His new owner is great. He has another Grey so he knows what he's getting into.
Goodbye, Wellstone. You were a good bird.
As I clicked my bookmark for your blog, I thought to myself, "I bet her newest post is entitled 'Bye Bye Birdie.'" You know he's going to a good home and it will make things easier for you in the long run. He'll be well taken care of.
He is a really great bird...I'll miss him very much...Goodbye Wellstone...You are loved.
Thanks, guys. The sadness is starting to creep in a little now, but I'm alright with my decision.
Sounds like a win-win. You don't have to deal with the hassle anymore and somebody else got a good deal (I assume).
Yes, it was a win-win for everyone. I don't have to deal with the mess anymore, and the new owner got a great bird at no expense to him.
Oh man poor lil Welstone !!!
He's actually doing quite well. I thought he'd be scared for the first 2 weeks, and not talk or want to be touched, but that's not the case.
The first day he was there, he looked at Bruce's other bird and said, "hello bird." He is also letting Bruce pet his beak. So, it's all good. : )
I hope it will all work out for you and the birdie. Birds are so cute, and so sensitive at the same time. But I know about what you mean re. the sense of felief when it comes to finding new homes for pets. The pets mean well, but if there is a personality clash or you can't meet their needs, it can be very sad.
We have been through this twice with dogs... once with two cocker spaniel pups and then another time with a mutt who was sweet but just too hyper for our family's temperament. The sense of relief when both were gone to new and better homes? We partied! 8-)>
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