Here is my prediction on the Alito confirmation...
Several Democrats and some moderate Republicans will do the (very) wrong thing and vote yes on his confirmation. He will sail through.
However, I do not think the Supreme Court will reverse Roe vs Wade. I believe the Repubs have been using this issue for a very long time to keep their true believers in tow. It works very well for them. If abortion were to become illegal, they would lose their best carrot.
But, I could be wrong...
The abortion issue is a big part of far-right's cultural civil war they hope to perpetuate. I agree, without that issue their strength in mobilizing people through emotion and fear would be diminished.
If Roe v. Wade did go under, my bet is that their homophobic push would double or triple in intensity, but after such attacks reached a certain point, I actually believe it would backfire and that we would see a backlash against such meanness.
In the God, Guns and Gays strategy, that would leave their big push as the religion thing. That could backfire as well, as I doubt most Americans want someone establishing a state religion or trying to punish them or place restrictions on them because of what they do or don't believe.
So after some more thought on it, yes, I think the abortion issue is definitely their best carrot. They can portray it simply, and they can argue that it involves death, perpetrated by the other guys (lefties), thus making themselves look like righteous peacemakers.
Abortion will continue to be legal until one of the liberals or Justice Kennedy is replaced. Meanwhile, the GOP will do everything it can to chip away at privacy rights and abortion law. By the time Roe v. Wade gets overturned, it will just be the tip of the iceberg in the right's radical assault on our judicial system.
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I agree with you, but I think the harm will be far larger than Roe Vs. Wade reversal.
Can you say King of America?
Supreme Commander and Chief for Life?
The day draws closer with the approval of a person like Alito.
If we can see through all the bullshit, why can't everyone else?
Michael, great blog. I'll add you to mine.
If they ever did reverse Roe vs Wade it would catapault the States back into the 50's.
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