Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gore & Hillary, Keep it up!

Former vice-president Al Gore called for an independent investigation of Bush's domestic spying program, saying the president "repeatedly and insistently" broke the law by eavesdropping on Americans without court approval, and that the anti-terrorism program is "a threat to the very structure of our government."

Hillary Clinton told a mostly black audience at a Harlem church that Republican leaders have run the House "like a plantation" and the Bush administration will go down as "one of the worst" in U.S. history."

When you heard this, did you get out of your chair, do a little dance and cheer loudly? And if you did, do you think our Democratic leaders realized that all over the land, their peeps are yelling "YES, FINALLY!"


Jim Marquis said...

It's good to see Hillary starting to throw a little mud. Hey, how about another Clinton-Gore ticket?

Damien said...

Plus its two Clintons for the pice of one that sound great. Shes diffinity got a hell of a lot more grit than I first thought she had.

Anonymous said...

I see good and bad coming out of the current political situation. The Good: The public is starting to wake up to the horrible reality that is GOP leadership. The Bad: They (the GOP) still have two more years to do irreversible damage to the country.

mtnman said...

I thought the plantation remark was a little over the top but Al Gore did give an incendiary speech about six years too late. Maybe its time the dems start nominating professional actors they can appear more sincere most people can see through things like Hillary's MLK speech.

Lizzy said...

The last thing we need is another professional actor. Reagan & Arnold has taught us that much.