I have my final exam for my storyboarding class in film school today. Wish me luck.
Then I have three weeks off until I start Summer quarter. My next class is "Camera Operations & Basic Editing."
The time off will be very nice. Let the invigoration begin!
Good luck Lizzy and enjoy your time off.
Lizzy, you'll do great! We'll look forward to hearing all about your time off when you get back.
Good luck with everything.
Who Hijacked Our Country
Go get 'em, Lizzy.
Best of luck Lizzy, time off is great, enjoy it!
Thanks for all your good wishes -- it worked. I got a 51 out of 54 on my final.
I won't know my grade for the entire class for a while, though...but I think I did well.
Good luck for you!!!
Best of luck gal!!!
51 out of 54? That's 95.3%, which ought to be a solid A in most cases! Excellent job!
Thanks! : )
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