Thursday, November 18, 2004

True Christians

Ok, maybe that last blog entry was a little harsh. I don't mean to beat up on everyone that believes that Jesus is listening to their prayers. The people that quietly go to church, read the Bible without twisting it's words to suit their needs, and truly do what Jesus would do are the real Christians, and they do deserve our respect.

My problem is with the people that use Christianity as a weapon to hurt others. That is NOT what Jesus would do. Jesus spoke of love, compassion and forgiveness. The people that voted for Bush on moral issues, know nothing of these values. According to the Bible, Jesus loves all. Unfortunately for the right-wingers, that includes homosexuals, doctors that perform abortions, pacifists, treehuggers, etc. If they really want to follow Jesus' teachings, how about starting there?


Damien said...

Your last post was a fair comment,
Hey somewhere along the line rational thought has to impose itself above belief. Anyway, I of meek body and beleif look forward to inheriting the earth, hopefully Emporer Bush has'nt screwed it up to much.

Lizzy said...

Thanks, Damien. I don't regret the other post. I just wanted to make the point that there are good and bad people in every segment of the population. It's too bad the people that are twisting and spinning the Bible to further their ignorant agendas are the ones ruining it for the rest of us.

For the record, I was born and raised a Jew, but the older I get, the more I distance myself from religion. I feel that if you look at the human race in total, we are all better off without it.

Jim Marquis said...

I've come to the conclusion you can divide most modern Christians into two categories...

Liberal Christians are in the Hard Work category. They focus on efforts that might require some sacrifice. They want to help the poor, heal the environment and work against unnecessary warfare.

Conservative Christians are in the Lazy Boy category. All you have to do is not be gay and not have an abortion. And maybe give Grandma a ride to church in your giant SUV once in a while.

Snave said...

I think Christians should focus on social justice. The fact that we have so many poor people right here in the richest nation on Earth might not be something Jesus would take lightly. Maybe Jesus would be pretty ticked about it. And maybe he would throw the thieves out of the temple.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't be too disappointed with them as Christians, you have to remember that they are people first. I wish we as people did more to help our fellow man, and I still have hope it will happen. But then again I am young and maybe a bit too optimistic. When I start to become disappointed with people I remember the verse that says "all fall short of the Glory of God". We're humans, and by inherent nature not perfect. I'm not trying to get all philosophical on you this is just the way I feel. And Lizzy, I don't mind that you said what was on your mind. People need to hear things like that sometimes to examine their own beliefs.

Lizzy said...

Great comments, guys. Thanks.
Green Moose, I added you to my Blog Buddies. Welcome!

Snave said...

Here is an interesting website. Probably too extreme for many Americans, but interesting nonetheless:

Damien said...

Wow those are great comments,
no really, I don't want to get all emotional, but hey considering the other stuff on Blogspot I'm glad to have ventured into one of the more intellectually affluent areas. Lizzy that site meter is humming!