There was a huge turnout at our caucus location. Tom & I could barely walk through the halls at St. Louis Park High School because it was so packed. It was a wonderful thing.
There was overwhelming support for Al Franken there. He will have no trouble winning in my district, considering he grew up here.
In fact, Al was there! I talked to him in the foyer when we first walked in, and later he came in to talk with our caucus room (which was standing room only.)
As far as the Presidential vote count, I believe it was something like Hillary: 61, Obama: 111. I was actually surprised Hillary got that many as I did not see anyone wearing a Hillary button. However, I did see Al Franken and Barack Obama buttons & stickers as far as the eyes could see.
I signed up to be the Associate Chair and a delegate for Senate District 44. Tom will also be a delegate.
As I watch the coverage on MSNBC, it's only a matter of time before Minnesota is called for Obama. Hey! There it is!
Nice picture of you two political animals!
I'm jealous!
Hey, congrats on your delagateness!
VERY COOL! Good work!!! Keep us posted on the stuff you are doing!
Mrs. Snave and I got to caucus once in Washington a long time gago, and it was fun.
Thanks, guys & Candace!
I must say, I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.
Associate Chair & delegate now...next stop, the world! : )
That's a great pic of you and Al!
How exciting! That will be very cool...
Nice to see Al involved at such local level.
Those photos remind me of Wellstone events...what was it...almost 20 years ago. Populists and Minnesota....like peanut butter and jelly.
Sorry about that. Great job and great picture Lizzy!
Did you see my comments/questions on your previous post?
Thanks, Poli, kvatch, & LT. Seeing Al there was a wonderful thing. He took a lot of time with us answering questions. Very Wellstone-esque.
"liberal demise", I have gotten into these conversations before, and they never go anywhere.
But, what I will do is post something in the near future about why I'm a liberal. In the meantime, ask someone else....there are millions of us out there.
I'm disappointed in your lack of enthusiasm for an honest and open discussion, but I will check your blog occasionally to see why you adhere to liberalism.
Lizzy -
You're a home girl! Minnesota represent!
Sounds like a plan, LD.
Thanks, frogette!
I used to have a bit from a life time ago (I was doing stand up to work out my fear of stage fright, I didn't succeed at either haha) about my "date" with Al Franken.
Someday I'll have to try and remember it and write it down.
Al would have probably gotten a chuckle out of it
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