Tucker Carlson has been let go from MSNBC. His ratings have been really bad, and his distaste for liberals has finally caught up with him.
Good riddance!
Good riddance!
From The Raw Story:
Published: Sunday March 9, 2008
According to TVNewser, MSNBC will announce the dismissal of talk host and political pundit Tucker Carlson.
Insiders tell TVNewser Tucker Carlson's 6pmET show Tucker is getting the axe, but Carlson stays on as a political contributor to all MSNBC shows at least through the 2008 election. The official announcement, expected tomorrow, will include details about who will replace Tucker at 6pmET as well as other political programming additions. Sources say the network is going to beef up its schedule with more NBC News talent.
"Maybe MSNBC has realized that swinging to the Right to try and shake out Fox News for viewers isn't a winning strategy," opines The Bilerico Project's Alex Blaze. "Or maybe they realized that at least half their commentators should accept the reality that white men aren't oppressed. Or maybe they think that people don't want to watch a bully wannabe talk about his fun days of beating up [gays]. Or maybe they got tired of his history of abusing the rules of logic, evidence, and reality."
READ MORE AT TVNewser and The Bilerico Project.
Good semi-riddance.
Yeah, good riddance..make way for Rachel Maddow...
Well, the article said he was going to be kept on as a political contributor through the 2008 election...
Did they say where they were going to bury his corpse?
I'm seriously saving up a leak.
I can't believe they kept him on this long. I've seen him clearly stoned on more than one occassion.
Carlson was the ONLY 1/2 way decent talker on MSNBC.
The Keith Obamamann's of the network pushed him out. Tucker is a libertarian who - in his somewhat edgy way - manages to get in the vicinity of a real debate.
If you can't see the AGENDA of a Rachel Maddow, you probably shouldn't be at the end of a noose for Carlson.
GO INDY TUCKER! F corporate news!
Rachel Maddow is a butch dike and the fact you are mentally ill was the first indicator that you are a liberal.
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