Thursday, February 10, 2005

Wanted: Liberal with Balls

Minnesota and the rest of the country are losing one of the good ones in 2006:
Statement of U.S. Senator Mark Dayton on his Decision Not to Seek Re-Election

Mark Dayton was my newest hero. See my January 25th post.

The late great Senator Paul Wellstone was the last of a dying breed: a proud liberal Democrat in the Senate. Last month, when Mark Dayton stood up and called Condi Bootlicker Rice a "liar," it gave me hope that Wellstone's spirit lived on.

All I can say is that the person that wins Dayton's senate seat better be good. If a Republican takes it, I may have to slit my wrists.


Snave said...

That's a shame that Dayton isn't coming back for 2006. Isn't there any way someone can change his mind? Minnesota needs something to counter the horrifying slimeball critter (varmint) known as Norm Coleman. I am not a Minnesotan, but the mere thought of the guy makes my blood boil.

Oregon has Democrat Senator Ron Wyden, who has done a very good job, for the next six years. However, Gordon Smith (who calls himself an "independent thinker" which could be true as long as the issue isn't part of the general GOP schtick!) should be coming up for re-election. To his credit, he doesn't side with Bush on stem-cell research, or at least he didn't at the time that was such an issue that it took Bush seemingly forever to come up with a nebulous opinion. Anyway, Smith started out speaking his mind and being pretty honest about his thoughts, but it seems like he is toeing the party line more and more the longer he is in the Senate. I don't know that Oregon will be able to get rid of him, but maybe a good left-wing candidate will rise up. There are some strong House Democrats from Oregon, and maybe one of them can get the job done.

As far as balls go, Barbara Boxer currently leads the Demo Senators in that area. I hope her male counterparts will grow some hair during the next couple of years.

Sheryl said...

I'm not from Minnesota, so perhaps I don't have the full view of Dayton. However, he seriously pissed me off during the objection to the Ohio vote. He was the ONLY democratic Senator who rebuked Boxer for making the challenge.No one supported her in the vote, but many Senators got up and thanked her for allowing the debate on the issue and saying that she raised an important issue.

Dayton, on the ohand, sounded just like a republican and suggested it set dangerous precendents to take advantage of our instutional protection against government fraud.

I think Minnesota can do better. My blog friend Tom Cleland ran as a Green some years back. He said that if Howard Dean was leading the party, it might be enough to draw him back into the fold. Get Tom to run. Or run yourself . I doubt either of you would have attacked Boxer for standing up for the one person, one vote principle that this country was founded on.

Sheryl said...

"A Liberal with Balls." That's oxymoron. Need I say more? Whereas conservatives with balls are simply morons. I'll take the oxymorons over the morons any day.

And at the risk of stating the obvious, the sharpest minds in society are usually without balls; they are commonly referred to as females.

Sheryl said...

"A Liberal with Balls." That's oxymoron. Need I say more? Whereas conservatives with balls are simply morons. I'll take the oxymorons over the morons any day.

And at the risk of stating the obvious, the sharpest minds in society are usually without balls; they are commonly referred to as females.

Sheryl said...

Damn Blogger double posted my comment and won't let me delete the second posting. :( Sorry.

I've been having problems with not only nly posting comments, but my actual blog as well.

Snave said...

""A Liberal with Balls." That's oxymoron. Need I say more?"

How profound!

How about this for profundity, then: I think the problem with the GOP is that it has TOO MUCH testosterone. Its balls are far big for its trousers. What better way is there to get the voters to circumvent critical thinking... than to fill them with testosterone-fueled fear?

The GOP uses all kinds of war talk, terrorism talk, demonizing of the Democrats, macho Bible patriarchy stuff, etc. I think their approach is pretty transparent, really...