Monday, February 28, 2005

If only it were true...

Courtesy of my cousin, Amy.


Damien said...

Bush resigns 'hazar, hazar'

Cheney in chains 'hazar, hazar'

Republican party realises that it was conduit for evil and greed, and disbands.

Karl Roves email address found on Jacksons bedroom computer, Karl armed and on the run.

Snave said...

It sure seems to me that welcoming a gay hooker into the White House and feeding him various bits if classified intelleigence information would be a scandal. Apparently not...

What kind of scandal would it take to get Bush to step down? It would have to be something even the "liberal" media and the theocrats would be unable to overlook.

Lizzy said...

Now if only THAT were true, Damien!

What kind of scandal would it take to get Bush to step down? I've thought about that question a lot lately, Snave. He's the teflon (puppet) Prez - nothing sticks. It is stunning...and appalling.

Jim Marquis said...

I get the impression Dubya has a pretty hot temper. Maybe if he's stymied enough in this second term he'll get pissed and blurt out something juicy the Dems can hang him with...