I can't be a Minnesota blogger and not comment on the Northwest mechanics strike.
What NW is doing to their mechanics is despicable. They are trying to say that if the mechanics don't take a huge pay cut, the airline will go bankrupt. Bullshit.
Instead of putting it all on the mechanics union, how about cutting a few executive salaries? How about taking away the CEO's Christmas bonus? Nah, can't do that.
I, for one, will not cross the picket line. Needless to say, I support the union, but additionally, I don't want to fly on a plane worked on by a bunch of half-ass mechanic scabs. I guess I'm just silly that way.

If theres one thing I do know about its aviation, I just can't understand why the execs always go after the engineers. One thing is for certain it does underline the importance of a strong union movement.
Can't say I'd envy anyone travelling on NW.
Good for you, Lizzy.
I'm a member of the Communication Workers of America and our union just did an outstanding job negotiating a new contract with Qwest. The only reason it happened was because the company knew how united the members were and what we were willing to sacrifice for each other.
Now that's what I like to hear, J.
Anyone in their right mind shouldn't be traveling on NW right now. You wouldn't believe the stuff that is coming out about skipped inspections, grounded planes, etc. If the execs know what's good for them, they'd give their union mechanics everything they need.
I'm with you...
My very good friend has work(ed) for N.W for the past 18 years. All they have done is cut her benifits and pay. She has no job seniority. She is on strike now...and and has no money coming in. How's that for giving 18 years of your life to a company.
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