How does it work?
When Dubya speeds past Cindy Sheehan on his way to a $2,000,000 Republican fundraiser, do his "people" distract him momentarily so he doesn't see her?
When he's home at the ranch, or the WH, do his people block out certain TV & radio channels so he's shielded from the truth?
Does W get a special pre-sanitized version of local & national newspapers? (Oops, scratch that - George has admitted that he doesn't read papers.)
When he's walking the halls of the White House, do his people keep those horrible Democrats & moderate Republicans out of earshot?
Do his people make damn sure that GWB never sees the documentaries that are about him?
Is the music on his iPod scrutinized so he doesn't hear any Green Day, or the like?
Or, does Bush see and hear it all, and still feel nothing? I don't know what's worse.