Monday, September 27, 2004

A New American Revolution?

The word "revolution" has been coming to mind lately.

Here's the scenario:
Bush pulls another win out of Karl Rove's ass (again.) Weeks later, enough evidence comes to light that (again) proves he should be impeached. The Republicans, being the weasels that they are, cover up, spin, whatever, do what they do best and are able to let another Bush family crime slide off the Teflon President's back.

Would it be possible for us to say enough is enough? Could we forcibly remove the worst administration in our country's history? Could there be a new American Revolution? I wonder what that would look like...


Hoots said...

You have picked up on an important, not-so-subtle point. The word "revolution" is being redefined into a much more benign process than history has showed it to be. A revolution is a bloody conflict, not a political tug-o-war. I wonder how much of this misuse of language is a conscious attempt to make us more accepting of the bloody conflict underway in Iraq. When we fall into the trap of copying that same usage of "revolution" as a figure of speech we are taking part in that degradation of the full meaning of the word. I know that is not your intent, but the idea is worth noting.

I just posted something at my place that makes oblique reference to the same idea. Which reminds me, thanks for keeping me on your links list. I still don't have any traffic, but that's okay. I'm still practicing. Each day I learn something new about the care and feeding of a weblog.

M said...

The first warriors to sign up will be those who lost jobs to outsourcing. The second group will be those who suffer from diseases which could be cured with stem cell research. Then the loved ones of soldiers killed in Iraq. And on and on...

Lizzy said...

While it is a very dangerous thing to say in these times, when I brought up the word revolution, I knew exactly what that word meant. If Bush had to go, and he didn't go willingly, I would support removing him by (almost) any means necessary.

(If free speech is dead, & Ashcroft's people come knocking, make sure I get a good lawyer. he he)

Hoots, concerning blog help, look for my comment to you on your Sept 19 blog entry entitled, "Shannon Love's Blog."

Anonymous said...

I truly believe in the power of impeachment.
A brazilian.

Snave said...

If Bush and Co. indefinitely postpone the November election due to real, imagined or contrived terror threats, I would hope a significant number of people would take to the streets. A candidate can't lose if there isn't any way to "un-elect" him, after all.

I have a feeling that whether or not Kerry wins in November, if the Democrats can regain control of the Senate the country will be on a better track. A postponement of the election would not allow that to happen, of course.

I'm not sure bloody actions would be the way to go, although I will admit I have fantasized about wildly waving a sword above my head, screaming like an insane jaybird as I lead the charge on Washington D.C. But I know where you're coming from, I am also desperate for the nightmare to be over.

Jim Marquis said...

With almost half the country proclaiming "Bush is not my president" you just never know where things might end up.

Like Hoots said, revolutions are bloody. I think the word has been diluted mostly by Boomer advertising executives who use it to sell running shoes and cleaning supplies.

Lizzy said...

Ok, ok, maybe I should've said Coup d'Etat, instead of revolution.