Pelosi is full of shit. The Democrats can cut off funding for Iraqmire any time they want. But they're afraid that they'll be called names and branded as "soft on terrorism" or "hating our troops."
If Pelosi is afraid of the rightwing smear machine she should resign and let somebody with a spine take her place.
I had a great childhood, however when I was around 14, I started losing my way. I got my life back at 29 and now have 17 years of semi-sobriety. Many years ago, I was diagnosed with OCD after a lifetime of odd behavior. Politically, I consider myself a far/hard left liberal who will fight against the right wing to my dying day.
This blog endorses Barack Obama for re-election in 2012.
Excellent find, Lizzy! And we thought the Republicans were out of touch ...
Pelosi is fucking tool. She needs to be dumped in favor of Cindy. I hope her district feels the same way.
It WAS Bush/Republican's war.
It's NOW the Democrat's war.
Thanks Pelosi and Reid for stabbing us in the back.
Tag, you're it
This one's actually pretty cool..which is why I did it and *gasp* am passing it on.
Thanks, Candace. I hate to admit it, but I first found it on MySpace.
Poli, Whenever I see Pelosi on TV, I want to smash her face in. That kind of reaction from me used to be strictly Rethug-based. Not anymore.
Thanks for the tag. It is a good one. I'll do mine this week.
Pelosi is full of shit. The Democrats can cut off funding for Iraqmire any time they want. But they're afraid that they'll be called names and branded as "soft on terrorism" or "hating our troops."
If Pelosi is afraid of the rightwing smear machine she should resign and let somebody with a spine take her place.
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