Wednesday, December 06, 2006

James Kim

Several years ago, there was a great cable/satellite TV network called TechTV. I used to watch it several hours a day. It is where I learned almost everything I know about computers, and anything geeky. "The Screen Savers," "Call for Help," and "Fresh Gear" were among the great shows on the network. I actually got on the shows several times, via webcam, to ask tech questions.

Then, unfortunately, a couple years ago, TechTV's rival, G4, bought them out and ruined everything...but enough about that.

In the good old days of TechTV, there was a sweet Asian man named James Kim. He was one of those people that you just knew was a great person. His good vibes came right through the TV.

When I heard the news of his death today, I was extremely saddened.

My thoughts are with his family tonight.


Anonymous said...

This is such a sad story. I tear up everytime the news starts talking about it. I have been sort of following the story on the news the past two days. I had no idea he was a tv personality.

pissed off patricia said...

OMG, is that who he was? It's all coming together now. Ah jeez, I didn't know that. This makes it even worse, if that's possible.

M said...

The whole thing really bummed me out, too. Such a shame.

Elvez73 said...

Holy shit Lizzy, I had no idea that thats who he was! Like you I learned 75% of my tech knowledge from that channel. What an absolute tragedy.

Snave said...

I never knew James Kim from TV, but I'm saddened nonetheless. Apparently vandals may have knocked down the "road closure" gate where the family drove in. He did a brave thing to try and go for help for his family. I just wish he had stayed with them.

Lizzy said...

Everytime they talk about him on TV, I get choked-up. I wish he had stayed with his family, too.

Damien said...

God I picked up most of my tech knowledge from trail and error, and hanging out with friends who worked in IT. Missed that news though, total bummer, poor young dude.

PoliShifter said...

I just went and read the news. That's tragic. At least his wife and kids survived but tragic nonetheless.

James Kim died of hypothermia, autopsy reveals