Friday, February 17, 2006

Star quality

I consider myself an amateur filmmaker and I'm always trying to come up with ideas for a short film or documentary. My friend, Michelle, came up with an idea that was literally right under my nose.

This summer I'm going to start shooting a short film about French bulldogs. We are involved in the Mpls French bulldog Meet-up group, so I'll be able to get a lot of great stuff there.


I would also like to do a political film. A while back, I had the idea to do a film like this, but my follow-through sucks (& I don't like to travel.) Check this out: Red State Road Trip


Jim Marquis said...

It's funny you mentioned making a movie...Snave and I are participating in one being made by our buddy Dave (

Was this Red State film made by somebody you know?

Lizzy said...

I found out about the Red State film from Air America (I don't know the filmmakers.)

What is Dave's movie about?

Lizzy said...

I checked out his blog - good stuff.

Jim Marquis said...

You probably got this from Dave's blog but the movie is about a guy going through a marital breakup who takes inventory of his life.

Snave said...

Jim and I will be there to tease David, make him crazy, and try to cure his woes through the Healing Powers of Rock!!