Of all the nights to miss Letterman, I had to miss this. Fortunately, it's going around the Web like mad.
See it here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/01/04.html#a6571
Dave, I love you.
46 year old leftist obsessed with politics and smushy-faced dogs
Wasn't that great? I doubt BOR is going back there anytime soon.
I was going to watch Letterman too.
I hope Bill O'Reilly follows through on his retirement statement he made. I would sleep a lot easier at night knowing that millions of Americans would no longer be indoctrinated by a balding right-wing hypocritical blowhard.
Heck I'd put his crap to fact ratio at about 90% Crap to 10% total crap.
I'd take it even a step further...95% crap.
I love it how comedians seem to be so good at giving these jerks their come-uppance.
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